Avocat - Afaceri Elvetia

Ghidul dumneavoastră de încredere pentru soluții juridice de afaceri

About Us

Your Trusted Guide for Legal Solutions. Our mission is to provide our clients with the legal expertise and guidance they need to make informed decisions and achieve their legal goals.

onescu & Ionescu Switzerland offers qualified legal advice to both companies and individuals in Switzerland across various areas of law. Our international legal services are also available through our professional offices in Romania and Denmark, allowing us to provide alternative legal solutions and concrete answers to our clients’ legal needs.

Popular information

  • Legal and Online Counseling
  • Obtaining Authorizations or Approvals
  • Business Partner Negotiation
  • Integration and Relocation
  • Representation before the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR)
  • Antitrust and Competition

The most recent Q&A


1Nu am resedinta in Elvetia. Pot sa fiu fondator si sa deschid o companie in Elvetia?

Dacă niciunul dintre fondatorii companiei nu îndeplinește condiția de resedinta, avocații sau administratorii pot prelua această sarcină sa reprezinte compania.

Chiar si in aceasta situatie toate deciziile operaționale vor fi luate în continuare de către fondatori.

2Am nevoie de o adresa in Elvetia pentru deschiderea companiei?

Da. Aveti nevoie de o adresă elvețiană pentru sediul companiei dvs. in locul oficial de constituire

3Is a divorce decree from Switzerland recognized in Romania?

It is not automatically recognized. For it to be acknowledged, you must obtain ratification through a judgment issued by the Romanian courts.

4I am not a Swiss citizen. Am I allowed to buy a house in Switzerland?

A residence permit B or C grants you the right to purchase a home anywhere in the country.

5I already have a company in another country and want to open a branch in Switzerland. Do I need capital for the branch?

If you are interested in opening a branch, you do not need to provide share capital.

Avocat Monica Ionescu

CEO Law Office - Ionescu & Ionescu Switzerland

WhatsApp + 41 766.97.26.26

Choose the consultation type

MODERATE Distance/Online

CHF250/ hour

Consultation includes review of 3-7 documents. You can use our remote consultation services in the following areas :

  • Employment and labor issues
  • Immigration visas, residency, citizenship, etc.
  • Family divorce, asset division, etc.
  • Child relations custody, visitation, child support, etc.
  • Tax and Customs decision challenges, exemptions, reductions, etc.

Commercial/ Criminal Law Distance/Online

CHF350/ hour

For Criminal/Commercial casesyou can use our remote consultation services in the following areas :

  • National Criminal Law case analysis/documents and legal interpretation
  • International Criminal Law case analysis/documents and legal interpretation
  • Commercial Law claims, debts, company establishment, insolvency, etc.
  • International Child Abduction return, documentation, etc.